Friday, August 29, 2014

Reactivating stem cells might bring hope to hair loss sufferers

Scientists that have examined the causes for hair loss have shown that the scalp of a bald man contains the same number of hair producing cells as the head of a person with a full head of hair. The difference is therefore not the number of hair on the head but the size of these hairs. On the bald areas the hairs are there but they are so small they can barely be seen. These researchers therefore believe it might be possible to stimulate these hair follicles to produce bigger hairs again. The problem is that stem cells in the scalp don’t mature to cells called progenitor cells, but they are the cells that produce big hairs. This gives us the possibility to develop a drug that stimulates these stem cells to become the more mature progenitor cells. The researchers say that information on this is very limited and needs further research before a potential drug can be developed. None the less, this creates hope for those who have already lost their hair. 

Read the original article here:

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